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Please be sure to send in one healthy snack with your child each day! Students will have a 15 minute snack break so please send in a snack/drink that can be consumed in a short amount of time. 




Please check your child's yellow folder each night. Anything in the "Return to School" side should be returned; anything in the "Keep at Home" side should come out of the folder and stay home.


Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday unless otherwise noted.


Reading: Students should read for at least 15 minutes per night. That can include taking turns reading with you, you reading to them, or having your child read quietly to themselves (a timer can help!).  Nightly reading is so important and while I know this can be hard to squeeze in every night, it can make such a huge impact! 

Math: Students will have math homework assigned every night.  They will either need to complete a math page, practice their math facts, or use the computer to play Everyday Math games.  


Assignment Book:

Please check your child's assignment book daily for important notes and remember to sign each night. I will sign each day!


Please be sure to return your child's yellow folder and

assignment book each day!

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